How feble language expresses inspiration
I just dont understand! I have been out of the flash scene for some time, and upon returning, i find these great works of unbelievalbe graffic achievment. I just cant come to comprehend how much time must be spent upon each scene, and I am plauged by the question of whther or not I am witnessing a project of flash genius whose genius creator must take no time at all in creating, or simply an artsit much like myself (although much more skillful and inclined), who poured endlessly over their work. I am myself not merely humbled, but wholefully inspired. Your work is brilliant. And I will endlessly seek to not only discover the medium which I see fit to express my feelings and create my wishes, but also to work that medium to the extent which you have yours. ALthough I havent touched upon the movie itself, I beleive the message that I have been infinatley inspired is more relevant. Thanks.